Barrett taxonomy is another guide for the teachers in teaching the students. This is applicable to language subject as the main focus is to cater students’ understanding for comprehension questions in reading part.
There are five levels altogether and each level explains on how we as readers should follow and understand. The first level is literal comprehension. Two ideas are brought up here which is recognition and also recall. This level identifies the clear part of reading comprehension. Recognition is a bit direct whilerecall requires details information.
As for reorganization which is the second level of Barret Taxonomy, it deals with the organization of ideas. As the root word is organize, the sequence of order is very essential. As a student, they have to analyze and classify the information they get. Students must be familiar with classifying, outlining, summarizing and synthesizing.
Inferential comprehension will be in the third level of Barret’s Taxonomy. Students must make inference based on their prior knowledge. This is because, the students have to make hypothesis. This can be used to support main idea and supporting details.
The fourth one is evaluation. In making evaluation, we have to come up with a decision. There are items to follow so that we are on the right track. We can check on reality or fantasy, facts or opinion and judge based on that. Usually, this is where students have to make decision.
The last one is appreciation. Students are expected to be emotionally sensitive with the text given. We can express our thought and feelings on what the passage discussed in class.