The Roles and Responsibilities of Our Council of Learners.

De Vrije Zee’s Council of Learners must lead by example at all times in their behaviour, the respect they show to others and their school uniform. A council member’s role is varied and to be awarded a school badge is considered to be a real privilege. The council at De Vrije Zee take on many roles and have many responsibilities, such as: delivering messages to the classrooms at the correct times; working with classes during rainy break times; leading classes and supporting others around the school; helping to set up the hall for assemblies; showing visitors around the school; helping the Principal during parent evenings.

The reason Why we have a Learner Council at De Vrije Zee Primary School.

As part of our citizenship education, we believe that children need to experience duties and responsibilities that come with being a member of a community in order to help them prepare to play an active role as responsible citizens of our country. At De Vrije Zee we believe that our council have a very important role to play in the day to day organisation of our school and as only those learners who have been elected by both the students and educators, it is considered to be very prestigious.